The Story behind the Train'N'Treat

Family behind the Train'N'Treat

"You just got your first dog and you realize that training a dog is not that simple. Does this sound familiar?"

When we started training our Spanish water dog Epe, it always felt like we needed an extra hand to use a clicker, hold the leash, and offer treats at the same time. It didn’t take long until we started wondering “Is there an easier way to do this?”


Slices of sausage turned out to be the biggest delight for Epe and the inspiration for Train’N’Treat. The first Train’N’Treat prototype was made of wood and Epe thought it worked like a charm – he almost ate the device! With this positive first result, we decided to continue developing the product and after several 3D-printed prototypes, we arrived at the current design. In an easy, clean and fun way, Train’N’Treat combines a subtle clicking sound with offering the treat with one hand.


For us, it was obvious right from the start that we wanted to minimize the carbon footprint of our product. We are proud that our Finnish innovation is produced locally in Finland. Made of biocomposite and metal parts of high-quality stainless steel, Train’N’Treat is made to last. Read more about features.

Have fun

The best products emerge from a real need, imagination, best raw materials, and a passion to develop and evolve. This is also the case with our Train’N’Treat. With the help of our dog Epe, we designed a tool for positive reinforcement that will make training even more fun and easy.

Sincerely yours

Outi and Sami Syrjälahti and Epe

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